Nanomia bijuga  (Jellyfish)

Photo of Nanomia bijuga by <a href="">Neil McDaniel</a>

© Neil McDaniel (Photo ID #86157)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Agamemnon Channel
Photographer Neil McDaniel
Habitat marine, subtidal
Photo Date February 11, 2011
Upload Date December 07, 2015
Elevation (m) -10
Latitude 49.7386666666667
Longitude -124.03685
Photo ID # 86157
Comments Phylum Cnidaria, Class Hydrozoa, Subclass Siphonophorae. Order Physonecta. Reaches 40 cm in length. In BC, most common in winter. For more information, see Wrobel and Mills, 1998, Pacific Coast Pelagic Invertebrates.