Scientific Name | English Common Name |
Aaptos simplex | Sponge |
Abagrotis alternata | Greater Red Dart |
Abagrotis brunneipennis | Yankee Dart |
Abagrotis cupida | Brown Climbing Cutworm |
Abagrotis dickeli | Moth |
Abagrotis discoidalis | Moth |
Abagrotis dodi | Moth |
Abagrotis duanca | Moth |
Abagrotis forbesi | Moth |
Abagrotis hermina | Moth |
Abagrotis mirabilis | Moth |
Abagrotis nanalis | Moth |
Abagrotis nefascia | Moth |
Abagrotis reedi | Moth |
Abagrotis turbulenta | Moth |
Abagrotis vittifrons | Moth |
Abdera firma | False Darkling Beetle |
Aberenicola claparedi oceanica | Rough-Skinned Lugworm |
Aberenicola claparedi vagabunda | Vagabond Lugworm |
Abraeus bolteri | Clown Beetle |
Abraliopsis felis | Squid |
Abrostola urentis | Spectacled Nettle Moth |
Abstrusomyzus phloxae | Aphid |
Acallis gripalis | Moth |
Acalymma vittatum | Striped Cucumber Beetle |
Acalypta cooleyi | Lace Bug |
Acalypta elegans | Lace Bug |
Acalypta lillianis | True Bug |
Acalypta parvula | True Bug |
Acalypta saundersi | True Bug |
Acalyptus carpini | Minute Seed Weevil |
Acanthephyra curtirostris | Peaked Shrimp |
Acanthocinus obliquus | Flat-faced Longhorn |
Acanthocinus princeps | PonderosPine Bark Borer |
Acanthocinus pusillus | Flat-faced Longhorn |
Acanthococcus greeni | True Bug |
Acanthodoris brunnea | Brown Spiny Doris |
Acanthodoris lutea | Yellow Dorid |
Acantholiparis caecus | Fanged Snailfish |
Acantholiparis opercularis | Spiny Snailfish |
Acantholomidea porosa | True Bug |
Acantholycosa solituda | Thinlegged Wolf Spider |
Acanthonotozoma rusanovae | Amphipod |
Acanthonus armatus | Bony-eared Assfish |
Acanthopteroctetes aurulenta | Moth |
Acanthoscelides aureolus | Large-horned Bruchid |
Acanthoscelides fraterculus | Large-horned Bruchid |
Acanthoscelides obtectus | Bean Weevil |
Acanthoscelides pauperculus | Large-horned Bruchid |
Acanthoscelides pullus | Bean Weevil |
Acanthoscelidius acephalus | Minute Seed Weevil |
Accedomoera melanopthalma | Amphipod |
Accedomoera vagor | Amphipod |
Acentrella insignificans | Mayfly |
Aceroides latipes | Amphipod |
Achrotile distincta | True Bug |
Achrotile stylata | True Bug |
Achrotile subarctica | True Bug |
Acidostoma hancocki | Amphipod |
Acidota quadrata | Ocellate Rove Beetle |
Acinopterus viridis | True Bug |
Acirsa costulata | Chalky Wentletrap |
Acleris aenigmana | Moth |
Acleris arcticana | Moth |
Acleris bowmanana | Moth |
Acleris braunana | Moth |
Acleris britannia | Brittania Moth |
Acleris caliginosana | Moth |
Acleris celiana | Moth |
Acleris cervinana | Moth |
Acleris comariana | Strawberry Tortrix |
Acleris cornana | Moth |
Acleris effractana | Hook-winged Tortrix |
Acleris foliana | Moth |
Acleris forbesana | Forbes' Acleris |
Acleris forsskaleana | Maple Leaftier |
Acleris fragariana | Moth |
Acleris fuscana | Moth |
Acleris hudsoniana | Moth |
Acleris implexana | Moth |
Acleris inana | Moth |
Acleris maccana | Moth |
Acleris maculidorsana | Stained-back Leafroller |
Acleris maximana | Moth |
Acleris minuta | Yellowheaded Fireworm Moth |
Acleris nigrolinea | Moth |
Acleris okanagana | Moth |
Acleris oxycoccana | Moth |
Acleris paracinderella | Moth |
Acleris placidana | Black-headed Birch Leaffolder |
Acleris ptychogrammos | Moth |
Acleris rhombana | Rhomboid Tortrix |
Acleris robinsoniana | Robinson's Acleris |
Acleris scabrana | Gray Rough-wing Moth |
Acleris schalleriana | Moth |
Acleris semiannula | Moth |
Acleris senescens | Moth |
Acleris subnivana | Moth |
Acleris variana | Eastern Black-headed Budworm Moth |
Aclypea bituberosa | Carrion Beetle |
Acmaeodera idahoensis | Metallic Wood-boring Beetle |
Acmaeopsoides rufula | Elderberry Longhorn Beetle |
Acmaeopsoides rufulus | Longhorned Beetle |
Acolpenteron catostomi | Parasite |
Acompocoris lepidus | True Bug |
Acopa perpallida | Moth |
Acritus nigricornis | Clown Beetle |
Acrobasis betulella | Birch Tubemaker Moth |
Acrobasis indigenella | Leaf Crumpler Moth |
Acrobasis rubrifasciella | Alder Tubemaker Moth |
Acrobasis suavella | Moth |
Acrobasis vaccinii | Cranberry Fruitworm Moth |
Acrocercops astericola | Moth |
Acrocercops pnosmodiella | Moth |
Acrocheilus aleutaceus | Chiselmouth |
Acrocirrus columbianus | Polychaete Worm |
Acrocirrus occipitalis | Polychaete Worm |
Acrolocha angustior | Rove Beetle |
Acrolocha crenulata | Rove Beetle |
Acrolocha diffusa | Rove Beetle |
Acrolocha helferi | Rove Beetle |
Acrolocha leechi | Rove Beetle |
Acrolocha minuta | Rove Beetle |
Acromacer bombifrons | Snout and Bark Beetle |
Acronicta cyanescens | Blue-gray Dagger |
Acronicta hasta | Speared Dagger Moth |
Acronicta impressa | Willow Dagger Moth |
Acronicta insularis | Marsh Dagger |
Acronicta lanceolaria | Lanceolatre Dagger Moth |
Acronicta lupini | The Little Bear |
Acronicta mansueta | Gentle Dagger Moth |
Acronicta marmorata | Marble Dagger Moth |
Acronicta quadrata | Quadrate Dagger Moth |
Acronicta strigulata | Dagger Moth |
Acronicta superans | Splendid Dagger |
Acrotrichis aspera | Beetle |
Acrotrichis castanea | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis cognata | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis diffinis | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis grandicollis | Water-penny Beetle |
Acrotrichis henrici | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis insularis | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis intermedia | Water-penny Beetle |
Acrotrichis josephi | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis parallelopipeda | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis parva | Water-penny Beetle |
Acrotrichis silvatica | Water-penny Beetle |
Acrotrichis vicina | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Acrotrichis volans | Water-penny Beetle |
Acrotrichis xanthocera | Featherwing[ed] Beetle |
Acrulia crenulata | Rove Beetle |
Acrulia tumidula | Rove Beetle |
Actebia balanitis | Moth |
Acteocina culcitella | Pillow Barrel-Bubble |
Acteocina eximia | Intermediate Barrel-Bubble |
Acteocina inculta | Rude Barrel-Bubble |
Actidium crotchianum | Feather-Winged Beetle |
Actinobdella triannulata | Freshwater Leech |
Actium fastosum | Rove Beetle |
Actizona trifoveata | Rove Beetle |
Aculepeira packardi | Orbweaver |
Acupalpus carus | False Bombardier Beetle |
Acupalpus meridianus | False Bombardier Beetle |
Acylophorus pronus | Large Rove Beetle |
Acyrthosiphon caraganae | Caragana Aphid |
Acyrthosiphon malvae malvae | Aphid |
Acyrthosiphon malvae rogersi | Aphid |
Acyrthosiphon pisum | Aphid |
Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodus | Aphid |
Acyrthosiphon purshiae | Aphid |
Adaina cinerascens | Ashy Plume Moth |
Adaina montanus | Mountain Plume Moth |
Adalaria evincta | Crowned Dorid |
Adalaria jannae | Nudibranch |
Adalaria proxima | Yellow False Doris |
Adela purpurea | Moth |
Adelges abietis | True Bug |
Adelges lariciatus | True Bug |
Adelges nordmannianae | True Bug |
Adelges oregonensis | True Bug |
Adelges piceae | True Bug |
Adelges tsugae | True Bug |
Adelphocoris rapidus | True Bug |
Adelphocoris superbus | True Bug |