E-Fauna Photos Wanted

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  2. Use the quick search box to check for a particular species (using the scientific or common name).
If you have a photo that is presently in our 'wanted' list, and would like to contribute it to the site, contact us and we will set up a file for you to contribute.

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In total 12067 taxa and subtaxa were found.

Click on a column name to (re)sort that column alphabetically.

Scientific NameEnglish Common Name
Aaptos simplexSponge
Abagrotis alternata Greater Red Dart
Abagrotis brunneipennisYankee Dart
Abagrotis cupidaBrown Climbing Cutworm
Abagrotis dickeliMoth
Abagrotis discoidalis Moth
Abagrotis dodiMoth
Abagrotis duancaMoth
Abagrotis forbesiMoth
Abagrotis herminaMoth
Abagrotis mirabilisMoth
Abagrotis nanalisMoth
Abagrotis nefasciaMoth
Abagrotis reediMoth
Abagrotis turbulentaMoth
Abagrotis vittifronsMoth
Abdera firmaFalse Darkling Beetle
Aberenicola claparedi oceanicaRough-Skinned Lugworm
Aberenicola claparedi vagabundaVagabond Lugworm
Abraeus bolteri Clown Beetle
Abraliopsis felisSquid
Abrostola urentisSpectacled Nettle Moth
Abstrusomyzus phloxaeAphid
Acallis gripalisMoth
Acalymma vittatumStriped Cucumber Beetle
Acalypta cooleyiLace Bug
Acalypta elegansLace Bug
Acalypta lillianisTrue Bug
Acalypta parvulaTrue Bug
Acalypta saundersiTrue Bug
Acalyptus carpini Minute Seed Weevil
Acanthephyra curtirostrisPeaked Shrimp
Acanthocinus obliquus Flat-faced Longhorn
Acanthocinus princepsPonderosPine Bark Borer
Acanthocinus pusillus Flat-faced Longhorn
Acanthococcus greeniTrue Bug
Acanthodoris brunneaBrown Spiny Doris
Acanthodoris luteaYellow Dorid
Acantholiparis caecusFanged Snailfish
Acantholiparis opercularisSpiny Snailfish
Acantholomidea porosaTrue Bug
Acantholycosa solitudaThinlegged Wolf Spider
Acanthonotozoma rusanovaeAmphipod
Acanthonus armatusBony-eared Assfish
Acanthopteroctetes aurulenta Moth
Acanthoscelides aureolus Large-horned Bruchid
Acanthoscelides fraterculus Large-horned Bruchid
Acanthoscelides obtectusBean Weevil
Acanthoscelides pauperculus Large-horned Bruchid
Acanthoscelides pullusBean Weevil
Acanthoscelidius acephalus Minute Seed Weevil
Accedomoera melanopthalmaAmphipod
Accedomoera vagorAmphipod
Acentrella insignificansMayfly
Aceroides latipesAmphipod
Achrotile distinctaTrue Bug
Achrotile stylataTrue Bug
Achrotile subarcticaTrue Bug
Acidostoma hancockiAmphipod
Acidota quadrata Ocellate Rove Beetle
Acinopterus viridisTrue Bug
Acirsa costulataChalky Wentletrap
Acleris aenigmanaMoth
Acleris arcticana Moth
Acleris bowmananaMoth
Acleris braunanaMoth
Acleris britanniaBrittania Moth
Acleris caliginosanaMoth
Acleris celianaMoth
Acleris cervinana Moth
Acleris comarianaStrawberry Tortrix
Acleris cornanaMoth
Acleris effractana Hook-winged Tortrix
Acleris foliana Moth
Acleris forbesanaForbes' Acleris
Acleris forsskaleana Maple Leaftier
Acleris fragarianaMoth
Acleris fuscanaMoth
Acleris hudsonianaMoth
Acleris implexanaMoth
Acleris inana Moth
Acleris maccanaMoth
Acleris maculidorsana Stained-back Leafroller
Acleris maximanaMoth
Acleris minuta Yellowheaded Fireworm Moth
Acleris nigrolineaMoth
Acleris okanaganaMoth
Acleris oxycoccana Moth
Acleris paracinderellaMoth
Acleris placidanaBlack-headed Birch Leaffolder
Acleris ptychogrammosMoth
Acleris rhombana Rhomboid Tortrix
Acleris robinsonianaRobinson's Acleris
Acleris scabrana Gray Rough-wing Moth
Acleris schallerianaMoth
Acleris semiannulaMoth
Acleris senescensMoth
Acleris subnivana Moth
Acleris varianaEastern Black-headed Budworm Moth
Aclypea bituberosaCarrion Beetle
Acmaeodera idahoensis Metallic Wood-boring Beetle
Acmaeopsoides rufula Elderberry Longhorn Beetle
Acmaeopsoides rufulusLonghorned Beetle
Acolpenteron catostomiParasite
Acompocoris lepidusTrue Bug
Acopa perpallidaMoth
Acritus nigricornis Clown Beetle
Acrobasis betulellaBirch Tubemaker Moth
Acrobasis indigenella Leaf Crumpler Moth
Acrobasis rubrifasciella Alder Tubemaker Moth
Acrobasis suavella Moth
Acrobasis vaccinii Cranberry Fruitworm Moth
Acrocercops astericola Moth
Acrocercops pnosmodiella Moth
Acrocheilus aleutaceusChiselmouth
Acrocirrus columbianusPolychaete Worm
Acrocirrus occipitalisPolychaete Worm
Acrolocha angustiorRove Beetle
Acrolocha crenulataRove Beetle
Acrolocha diffusaRove Beetle
Acrolocha helferiRove Beetle
Acrolocha leechiRove Beetle
Acrolocha minutaRove Beetle
Acromacer bombifrons Snout and Bark Beetle
Acronicta cyanescensBlue-gray Dagger
Acronicta hastaSpeared Dagger Moth
Acronicta impressaWillow Dagger Moth
Acronicta insularis Marsh Dagger
Acronicta lanceolariaLanceolatre Dagger Moth
Acronicta lupini The Little Bear
Acronicta mansuetaGentle Dagger Moth
Acronicta marmorataMarble Dagger Moth
Acronicta quadrataQuadrate Dagger Moth
Acronicta strigulataDagger Moth
Acronicta superansSplendid Dagger
Acrotrichis asperaBeetle
Acrotrichis castaneaFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis cognataFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis diffinisFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis grandicollisWater-penny Beetle
Acrotrichis henriciFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis insularisFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis intermediaWater-penny Beetle
Acrotrichis josephiFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis parallelopipedaFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis parvaWater-penny Beetle
Acrotrichis silvaticaWater-penny Beetle
Acrotrichis vicinaFeather-Winged Beetle
Acrotrichis volansWater-penny Beetle
Acrotrichis xanthocera Featherwing[ed] Beetle
Acrulia crenulataRove Beetle
Acrulia tumidulaRove Beetle
Actebia balanitisMoth
Acteocina culcitellaPillow Barrel-Bubble
Acteocina eximiaIntermediate Barrel-Bubble
Acteocina incultaRude Barrel-Bubble
Actidium crotchianumFeather-Winged Beetle
Actinobdella triannulataFreshwater Leech
Actium fastosumRove Beetle
Actizona trifoveataRove Beetle
Aculepeira packardiOrbweaver
Acupalpus carus False Bombardier Beetle
Acupalpus meridianus False Bombardier Beetle
Acylophorus pronus Large Rove Beetle
Acyrthosiphon caraganaeCaragana Aphid
Acyrthosiphon malvae malvaeAphid
Acyrthosiphon malvae rogersiAphid
Acyrthosiphon pisumAphid
Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodusAphid
Acyrthosiphon purshiaeAphid
Adaina cinerascensAshy Plume Moth
Adaina montanusMountain Plume Moth
Adalaria evinctaCrowned Dorid
Adalaria jannaeNudibranch
Adalaria proximaYellow False Doris
Adela purpureaMoth
Adelges abietisTrue Bug
Adelges lariciatusTrue Bug
Adelges nordmannianaeTrue Bug
Adelges oregonensisTrue Bug
Adelges piceaeTrue Bug
Adelges tsugaeTrue Bug
Adelphocoris rapidusTrue Bug
Adelphocoris superbusTrue Bug