No legend is shown while using this tool.
Turn Layers On/Off Click arrow ( > ) to view menu for more layers.
Click the check boxes turn layers off and on.
Updated by Kristi Silk
May 2018
Draw a shape on the map to select all records within it. Turning layers on and off does not affect this tool; records are selected from all distribution layers.
Use the slider at the bottom of the map to drag up the results window.
Select a Shape:Use the measurement tools to calculate area, find the distance between locations, or to display coordinates for the current mouse location.
- To use a tool, click on an icon below (the area tool, the distance tool, or the location tool) and click on the map where you wish to start your measurement.
- In order to complete a line or polygon, double click on the map to stop drawing. Scroll down to view the results.
- To turn off the measurement tool, click on the icon for the tool so that it is no longer highlighted.
- You can convert latitude and longitude to UTM coordinates and vice versa using the text boxes below. You can use the location tool (icon) below to obtain the long/lat, or you can take a reading directly from the map. To obtain a conversion, cut and paste, or type, coordinates into the appropriate text boxes and then click on the Convert button.
Biodiversity of BC's interactive web maps allow you to explore the distribution of a species in BC.
In addition to displaying distribution records for each species in BC, our Layers and Legends section allows you to make additional layers
visible (e.g. biogeographic layers or plant records) or to remove layers you do not wish to see.
Click and unclick the check boxes beside layer names to turn layers off and on.
Our biogeographic layers include the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) zones, the climate, etc. of British Columbia.
If you have any questions about our maps, please contact us.
Click on any record in order to view that record's details.
Map Functionality
- Click and hold down the mouse button to pan around the map.
- Click on the home button to return to the default extent of the map.
- Click on Layers and Legends Button to view the Legend(s) and available layers.
- You can determine latitude and longitude on the maps by placing your cursor over the spot of interest.
- The Switch Basemaps button allows you to change the background for the maps.
- The Print button allows you to print out a copy of the map.
- The Search box allows you to search the map for a specific region or city/town.
- The Add Shapefile Button allows you to add your own zipped (.zip) Shapefiles onto the map.
- The Select Records tool allows you to add a polygon to the map and select records that fall within it. You can then print or export the results as a .csv file.