This Identification Help Tool for vascular plants is a work-in-progress. It is being developed to help you identify vascular plants in BC (native or naturalized) by calling up a set of potential matching species. The tool searches content displayed in the E-Flora BC atlas pages, including the content of the Illustrated Flora of British Columbia (IFBC), so the search is based on terminology used in the atlas pages.
Use the identification sections outlined below singly or in combination. You may choose one or more categories in each identification section. At this stage of development, choosing fewer characters in a search may work best. If some combinations of characters don't provide reasonable returns, then try different combinations.
The search is based on searching for multiple terms or characteristics, but also works well if you search for a single characteristic. Searching for a single characteistic or term can provide useful returns. So, for example, search for a single landscape characteristic or for a single morphological feature. You can search by habitat type or substrate type and more. For example, select 'limestone' (or type limestone in the search box) and call up species that are described in our atlas pages as occurring on limestone.
Note that searching by flower colour does not work well at this point. Searches will call up all reference to a colour contained in our atlas pages. For example, a search for 'red' will call up species with red flowers as well as red-listed species and species with red bracts and red stems. We are working to develop a flower colour database to improve on this. In the meantime, you may wish to exclude colour in your search.
Note also that search capability in the ID Tool is limited by Google, which provides the search engine that drives this tool. Google limits the number of results pages to 10, and sometimes produces inconsistent results
For definitions of terminology, please refer to the botanical glossary.
This is a work-in-progress. Feedback on the ID tool will help us work towards improvement.
Please send us a comment
The Identification Help Tool is powered by Google Custom Search.