E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Wildlife of British Columbia

Brisaster latifrons (A. Agassiz, 1898)
Heart Urchin
Family: Schizasteridae
Photo of species

© Royal BC Museum  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #2204)

E-Fauna BC Static Map
Distribution of Brisaster latifrons in British Columbia
Details about map content are available here.


This species is an irregular, egg-shaped sea urchin. It is found from Alaska (Aleutian Islands) to southern California and the Gulf of California (Lambert and Austin 2007). Heart Urchins are deposit-feeding species that ingest mud. Lambert and Austin (2007) say: "Heart Urchins are deposit feeders, ingesting mud as they move through it. They live below the mud surface but maintain a chimney to the surface with large modified tube feet to obtain oxygen."

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)
BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

Additional Range and Status Information Links

Additional Photo Sources

Species References

Lambert, P., & Austin W. C. (2007). Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins and Feather Stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria.

General References

Recommended citation: Author, Date. Page title. In Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2021. E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia [efauna.bc.ca]. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [Accessed: 2025-01-13 10:04:57 PM]
Disclaimer: The information contained in an E-Fauna BC atlas pages is derived from expert sources as cited (with permission) in each section. This information is scientifically based.  E-Fauna BC also acts as a portal to other sites via deep links.  As always, users should refer to the original sources for complete information.  E-Fauna BC is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the original information.

© E-Fauna BC 2021: An initiative of the Spatial Data Lab, Department of Geography, UBC