Until 2010, it was believed that the red bat present in BC was the Western Red Bat (
Lasiusrus blossevillii), based on a single historical specimen from the Skagit Valley collected in 1907. However, in 2010, genetic testing on that specimen showed it was actually an Eastern Red Bat (
Lasiurus borealis). Additionally, in 2010, several specimens of the Eastern Red Bat were collected from northeastern BC (killed by wind turbines). As a result, the Western Red Bat is no longer considered present in BC, but the Eastern Red Bat is present. According to the
British Columbia Conservation Data Centre (BCCDC 2010),: "This part of the province is continuous with the species known range (the boreal forest), and the species has been detected more and more in northern Alberta over the last several years, so its appearance in BC was not unexpected." There is limited information available on this species in BC although it is considered red-listed in the province. Threats include a limited geographical range in BC, die off from turbines at wind farms, and threats are 'also likely from oil and gas development" (BCCDC 2010).
This is a solitary species of bat that roosts in foliage of trees, and hunts near its roost (within 500-900 m) (BCCDC 2010). It is vulnerable to avian predators because it roosts in tree foliage, with the Blue Jay noted as predator (BCCDC 2010). "Litter of 1-5 (average 2), born late May to mid-June (or July) in North America. Young can fly at 3-4 weeks, weaned at 5-6 weeks. Sexually mature during second month." (BCCDC 2010).
Read the BCCDC Species Summary for the Eastern Red Bat to learn more about habitat, roosting sites, and migratory status.