A Glossary of Terms used on the Bat atlas pages
Term | Definition |
Ambient Temperature | the temperature of the surrounding air. |
Biodiversity | the variety of living organisms in an area. |
Calcar | a cartilaginous spur that is attached to the heel bone and extends into the tail membrane. This structure is unique to bats. |
Echolocation | an orientation system based on generating sounds and listening to their returning echoes to locate obstacles and prey. |
Fertilization | the impregnation of the egg by the male sperm cell. |
Forage | to hunt for food. |
Gestation Period | the length of the pregnancy; the time from fertilization to birth of the foetus. |
Gleaner | a bat that can capture prey on the leaves and twigs of vegetation or on the ground. |
Hibernaculum | a site where hibernation occurs (hibernacula). |
Hibernation | a state of lethargy characterized by a reduction in body temperature and metabolic rate. |
Kilohertz | 1000 cycles per second; a unit for measuring the frequency of sound. |
Maternity Colony | an aggregation of females and their young. |
Metabolic Rate | a measure of the general activity level of an animal; free energy production per unit of body mass. |
Nocturnal | active during the night. |
Ovulation | maturation and release of the egg before fertilization. |
Parturition | birth. |
Recurved | curved or bent backwards. |
Roost | a daytime retreat or night-time resting place. |
Rostrum | the nasal area or the snout of a skull. |
Swarming | behaviour associated with nocturnal flights that are made through potential hibernacula by aggregations of bats in late summer or fall. |
Thermoregulation | regulation of body temperature by conserving or releasing heat as required. |
Torpor | a short-term (daily) state of inactivity achieved by lowering the body temperature and reducing the metabolic rate in order to conserve energy. |
Tragus | a thin, cartilaginous structure attached to the base of the ear. This structure is unique to bats. |
Ultrasonic | sounds above the range of hearing of the human ear (normally above 20 kilohertz). |
Vespertilionid Bat | a member of the family Vespertilionidae, a cosmopolitan family of bats with many species inhabiting temperate regions of the Old World and the New World. |
Volant | capable of flying. |
Source: Bats of British Columbia by David Nagorsen and Mark Brigham © Royal BC Museum
Please cite these pages as:
Author, date, page title. In: Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2023. E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia [www.efauna.bc.ca]. Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [Date Accessed]
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